
Cyriaque Ambroise

cyriaque ambroise teahouse japan banner
cyriaque ambroise teahouse japan banner small

Tea . Art . Craft

Handcarved wooden utensils for tea ceremonies.

It was during his first trip to Japan in 2015 that Cyriaque Ambroise discovered the Japanese Way of Tea and especially the Wabi-Cha わび茶 aesthetic. Back in France, he carved his own teaware as an autodidact. Three years later, he showed his work to the public.

These wooden utensils, dedicated to the different types of tea ceremonies, are unique works all handcarved -using traditional methods in an open-air workshop.

With a focus slowing down, Cyriaque demonstrates patience with the notion of making by hand in response to the natural rhythm of the elements. For him, it is a meditative practice that nourishes both his creativity and wholeness.

He meticulously chooses characterful branches and trunks for their inspiring shapes and patterns of growth. No trees are cut down specifically for this project. The wood is harvested locally, on foot from storm fallen or responsibly pruned trees.

After being previously shaped, each piece is carved and textured with hand tools only. Slow and measured carving techniques permit him to sensitively follow the grain of the wood, recognising unspoiled imperfections. The outcomes are often refined and delicate, with a natural aesthetic celebrating simplicity and sobriety.

Through this creative project, Cyriaque Ambroise sees the art of tea as a way to share his slow making philosophy and question our relationship to utilitarian objects and works of art. It’s an open dialogue between Tea, Art and Craft.

The open-air workshop of Hackney, London, UK