wabi sabi suki

Aesthetic inspiration

Online - Since February 2018, par Cyriaque

wabi sabi suki
Trunk print
Red ink, linen paper
London, UK | February 2018


・Tranquil Simplicity
・Patina of Age
・Subtle Elegance

A photographic curation project started on February 2018

Experiencing, seeing, feeling ... Through this curation work, I wish to share my aesthetic inspiration in terms of subtle and intimate emotions. It’s an everyday process, a quest for that fleeting moment where we know how to recognize and appreciate the beauty of impermanent and modest things.

A return to slowness, simplicity and peaceful sobriety.
A hymn to contemplation.
A balm for the soul.


See the curated pictures on Instagram: @wabi.sabi.suki

All pictures posted with courtesy of their owners.

Book extract from “ WABI SABI SUKI: The Essence of Japanese Beauty ” by Itoh Teiji :

Wabi - Tranquil Simplicity
The refined and elegant simplicity achieved by bringing out the natural colors, forms, and textures inherent in materials such as wood, straw, bamboo, clay, and stone, as well as in artifacts crafted from them like earthenware, tile, handmade paper, and lacquerware, and in textile fibers like hemp, cotton, or silk—this is the core of wabi. Wabi may describe beauty in nature untouched by human hands, or it may emerge from human attempts to draw out the distinctive beauty of materials. While eschewing decoration, contrivances, or showiness, wabi treads the fine and precarious line between beauty and shabbiness. To discover wabi, one must have an eye for beautiful, yet it is not an aesthetic understood only by the Japanese of old, but a quality that can be recognized by anyone, anywhere who is discriminating and sensitive to beauty.

Sabi - Patina of Age
Beauty that treasures the passage of time is sabi, echoing the original meaning of the word: rust or patina. Objects or constructions created from organic materials and used in daily life are of course beautiful when they are brand new. But sabi describes the new and different phases of beauty that evolve in the course of thier use and enjoyment, and the conviction that the aesthetic value of things is not diminished by time, but enhanced. The wear and tear of daily use, lovingly repaired and attended to, does not detract, but adds new beauty and aesthetic depth. Indeed, sabi is at its ultimate when age and wear bring a thing to the very threshold of its demise. Appreciation of sabi confirms the natural cycle of organic life—that what is created from the earth finally returns to the earth and that nothing is ever complete. Sabi is true to natural cycle of birth and rebirth.

Suki - Subtle Elegance
Originally expressing attraction, fascination and curiosity, suki is aesthetic adventure beyond conventional standards, delight in the unusual, curious or idiosyncratic. Initially, suki seems to have expressed an idea of beauty that was heretical and unorthodox. The shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori (1399-1441) was a patron of the arts know for his revolt against old and established aesthetic rules. His salon was receptive to bold and new ideas that were to become firmly established in the sixteenth century as what we might describe as “subtle elegance”. Many today are devotees of suki, the pursuit of beauty in unconventional forms and guises, but their search continues to be faithful to the quality of subtle elegance, which circumscribes the ageless essence of suki.